What are Service Grant Hours (SGH)?
Service Grant Hours, or SGH as they are listed in Paycom, are up to 40 hours per year any employee can submit and be paid to serve.
Do all companies in the Blue Alliance IT family support the Service Grant Hours Program?
Although Blue Alliance companies spread across the country and may have different structure as far as sponsored or organizations they choose to partner and assist, the Service Grant Hours Program is a Blue Alliance team effort to make an impact. All teams should use the SGH request workflow in Paylocity so we can stay up to date and even report out on the great impact our team is making. This workflow allows for volunteer scheduling to be communicated and tracked accurately.
Is there a difference in Service Grant Hours between Blue Alliance companies?
Yes. Some Blue Alliance companies may have unlimited PTO, so the Service Grant doesn’t apply. However, all Blue Alliance companies strongly encourage their employees to take PTO to serve in their community. The Director of Community is there to help you utilize your Service Grant.
Is the Service Grant Hours Recording different for Salaried vs. Hourly Employees?
Yes. If you are a salaried employee who participates in service, you are not required to take time off for service if you don’t want to. For hourly employees, you are required to take SGH for service unless there is an operational need or similar and your manager has approved the resulting OT
What types of service activities qualify for Service Grant Hours?
A wide variety of service activities qualify for the Service Grant. Qualifying activities include serving food at a soup kitchen, volunteering at your child’s school, helping an elderly neighbor, or even taking a service trip! Simply request the time and get approval from your supervisor. If this is a project you developed on your own, you will complete the Service Grant Request steps outlined in Step 1 above. Once submitted, the HR Director or Director of Community will review your request and provide timely feedback.
What are the parameters for scheduling or signing up for a service event during work hours?
Submit the time you would be scheduled for the service activity the same way and following the same procedure as with PTO only select “SGH” for Service Grant Hours. Your manager will review and approve the same as they would PTO. Additionally, if this is not a preplanned/preapproved company activity, you must submit in advance via the Service Project Application.
Do I need to fill out a Service Grant Request for opportunities that the Director of Community shares with us?
No. Any service opportunity that is offered by the Director of Community will be a pre-approved service event, so you will not need to fill out the Service Project Application request form. You must, however, request Service Grant Hours through Paylocity, and you also need to notify Todd Forman that you want to participate. If you are bringing children to the event, please include their names and ages in the email.
What are the parameters for using SGH when done during my workday?
If it is approved by your supervisor, the time serving is considered SGH.
What are the parameters for using SGH when done outside of my workday?
If you have submitted and been approved for a service activity outside of your normal working hours, you can take off the same number of hours during the same week.
Is there is minimum number of SGH one can do at a time?
Yes. Service Grant Hours can be broken into smaller chunks, with a minimum of 1 hour of service during any one event.
Can a person volunteer on a weekend and take SGH earlier that week, prior to the service?
Yes, if the service activity is in the same week.
What happens if my SGH are taken prior to a service activity and that activity is cancelled?
If the rescheduled date is known, the time can remain Service Grant Hours. However, if it is cancelled, the Service Grant Hours should be replaced with PTO hours, or you can sign up for another service activity within a reasonable time. Work with your manager and HR to determine the best plan of action.
What is the policy for requesting/using SGH for non-exempt employees?
If the service is outside of your work hours, work with your manager and HR to determine the best way to handle the schedule accommodation.
When I request SGH, it shows I have 0 hours (or negative numbers of hours) available. Is this a mistake?
No. This is accurate. The hour set up was configured to be approved when requested rather than showing 40 hours balance to avoid confusion around a “perceived benefit” and needing to pay it out upon termination or end of year payout as an “earned” benefit. Each time you request hours, it subtracts from 0 hours, and you go into the negative. Your manager will be able to approve up to “-40” hours of SGH.
If the Director of Community offers a service opportunity that is outside of my work hours, and I don’t want to use SGH, am I still able to volunteer?
Yes! All employees are encouraged to participate in any of the many service offerings that will be presented each month by the Director of Community. Most service events are open to spouses, children, and friends, so we encourage their participation as well.
Am I able to volunteer on a weekday evening and use my SGH the following morning?
Yes. First, speak with your manager to get approval. Then complete Service Project Application detailed in Step 1 above. Finally, request Service Grant Hours through Paylocity for that morning.